May 15Liked by Becca Freeman

I will often reread one of my favorites when I’m in a reading slump. Since I already know I like it there isn’t the same mental hurdle that there can be with new books.

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May 15Liked by Becca Freeman

Same here. I know an old favorite will reignite the spark and just remind me what I love about reading. This is my go-to method as well :)

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May 15Liked by Becca Freeman

I am in this predicament as we speak! Think I may try your “change format” tip and read something on Kindle even though I normally find it easier to concentrate on paper books… not working recently

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For some reason it always tricks my brain and soon enough I'm back. Hope it works for you, too!

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I'll pick a very short book to get out of a slump. It feels good to knock a great read out in a day or two to get back into a reading routine and get the high of finishing a book.

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Yes, fully agree with this! Just need the wind at your back!

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May 23Liked by Becca Freeman

One of my recent out-of-a-slump favorites was Lattes and Legends. Nothing much happens but a bunch of fantasy characters opening a coffee shop (unheard of in their little village) but it felt like a warm cozy hug.

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May 22Liked by Becca Freeman

I am just the same with the audio books - really enjoy them, but definitely more of a visual learner and I find I don't retain things so well (maybe the wandering thoughts don't help!). I'm going to give that Johann Hari book a try - I've enjoyed his others. Thanks for the rec!

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OMG this is brilliant! So many good recommendations 😍

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May 15Liked by Becca Freeman

Great advice, the switching genres is what makes it for me!

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May 15Liked by Becca Freeman

Sorry you’ve had a rough month! True Biz got me out of my reading slump-I could not put it down!

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Oh missed that one when it came out, I'll have to add it to my radar again! I remember hearing many good things (and now this plug, too!)

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omg "women walking away" is one of those rules of mine that i cannot read a book with that stock image cover. my soul will not abide.

reading ruts are tough, but being a sort of prepper about it by having a full library queue of books ready to step in for the mood you are actually in (listennnnn to this mood!) instead what mood you "should" be in or what you "should" read is vital for escaping it.

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The "women walking away" video slays me every time I see it.

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May 15Liked by Becca Freeman

Here also for the rereading something well-loved.

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I’ve found re-reading an old favorite also helps! Even if it is an old children’s book you loved as a kid!

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Yes, such a good tip! I'm not really a big re-reader, but I know many people are.

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A quick note re Johann Hari/ Stolen Focus - he has a track record of plagiarism, misquoting, and simply making things up. So take anything in there with a gigantic pinch of salt! (Back on feeds recently thanks to ‘fake facts’ in his newest book https://twitter.com/Sectioned_/status/1789730500178813104 )

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Appreciate the heads up.

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I loved this round-up, when I'm in a rut I need to find a just-right book to pull me back to turning pages. This time "Worry" by Alexandra Tanner did the trick (I cannot look away!).

Also on-point audiobook recs-- "Stolen Focus" was fantastic and ofc loved "Tom Lake" and any celeb memoir on audio (though I read "Open Book" with my eyes, regretfully)-- check out Minka Kelly's "Tell Me Everything" if you haven't yet, it was phenomenal.

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I've heard such good things about Minka Kelly's audiobook. I have it downloaded, but haven't made it to it yet. Maybe now is the time!

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deletedMay 19Liked by Becca Freeman
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Love this! I'm not a huge re-reader, but I feel like the oddball read has pulled me out before, too.

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