RIP my Libby holds.

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HA same!

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This roundup is AMAZING! I’ve already read a few and totally agree with your thoughts. You are my new go-to for any and all book recs - thank you!!

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What does it say about me that I’ve read almost all of those romances already?! 😅 I love this round-up so much—just added so many to Libby!

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I mean same, us on-the-pulse romance girlies need to stick together.

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This is a great list! I recently bought Summer Romance and I’m looking forward to reading it once I’ve finished Marian Keyes’ new novel, My Favourite Mistake, which is lovely.

Now I’m going to ignore my icky feeling and do some hyping-myself by suggesting my romantic comedy, Just Like A Movie, which is a very funny and very romantic story set in Ibiza. It’s about a recently divorced 38-year-old woman who is moving to Ibiza. As she takes her seat on the plane, she finds herself seated next to a handsome pop superstar who is a few years younger than her and whose career is in trouble. They exchange pleasantries before accidentally walking off with each other’s carry-on bags when they land. So, they have to meet again…

You can read the first chapter on my Substack, Just For Fun, and a few more on Amazon. I hope you will give it a chance. Let me know!

Now back to writing my next novel.

Xx Francesca

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This sounds so fun! Huge congrats!

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Thank you very much xx

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Incredible— congratulations! I’m crafting a fashion essay collection currently…

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That sounds interesting. I’m going to do a book with my poetry! So many projects 💕

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Jun 22Liked by Becca Freeman

Libby holds officially maxed out 🤣 LIVING for this list

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Aw yay! So happy to see Allie Larkin’s “The People We Keep” on here. She’s a friend and an amazing human ❤️ and this book is phenomenal!,,

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It’s such a great book!!

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Literally *screaming* at anyone who will listen to read Margo!

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Jun 20Liked by Becca Freeman

Nothing makes me happier on a post like this then to have read almost one book from every category. Just went through and added 1/2 the books onto my holds list on Libby.

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Jun 20Liked by Becca Freeman

This is such a treat, thank you 💛! I'll be forever indebted to you for introducing me to Elin Hilderbrand so I can't wait to discover some of the other authors on this list.

It has dropped on what feels like the first warm, dry and sunny day of the year here in the North East of England so I'm getting quite over excited!

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I also love Elin Hilderbrand and last week I met a couple who actually live on Nantucket Island! They came to our school reunion here in Switzerland. I would never have heard much about Nantucket if it wasn’t for Elin’s wonderful books.

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Oh how wonderful! Me either...I had to find out where it was on Google Maps 🫣!

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Jun 20Liked by Becca Freeman

WOAH. This list is amazing and your descriptions make me LOL. Thank you for putting it together, just added 10+ books to my summer TBR!

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Oh and thank you for linking to Bookshop instead of Amazon.

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Jun 20Liked by Becca Freeman

I am halfway through the audio of Margo and all I want to do is walk, clean, game—anything to keep listening! Heard it from you first on BoP.

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It's our July listener pick book club book, too! I'm so excited to re-read and discuss.

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Phenomenal list! I am crazy for all books from Steven Rowley — can’t recommend the OG Lily and the Octopus enough for anyone wishing for a tearjerker that goes beyond traditional romance.

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My TBR is about to topple, but do aspire to loop back to this one. He’s so funny and his books are so full of heart

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Agreed! And it reflects exactly who he is — he has been so lovely and encouraging to me, as I am working to publish a fashion essay collection and it’s a tough journey.

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Jun 24Liked by Becca Freeman

This round up is great! Thanks Becca!

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Jun 23Liked by Becca Freeman

Oh my gosh! I’ve saved your list. Must. Read. Almost. All.

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Kindred reading spirits!

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Jun 23Liked by Becca Freeman

Fabulous round up! Thank you!

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Omg, this was exactly what I needed! I'm curious about the scary ones (although I am a huge scaredy-cat) but honestly they all sound great!

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